
Welcome to The Kerry-on!

Just incase you didn't read my intro: I'm Kerry!  I love to travel and plan on doing it for the rest of my life.

So, I've started off on my next adventure and I hope that my experiences can help you in your travels.  I'll be in Kiev, Ukraine from the beginning of January until June working with a volunteer English teaching program called ILP (International Language Programs).  This is my 5th trip with ILP, but my first time as the Head Teacher (which means I'm not just responsible for myself this time but the group of teachers I'm with!).

The preparation for my trip has been a little crazy so for now you'll just get a slight intro to Kiev in the form of a link.  Since I'm still just beginning to learn about Ukraine I don't want to give you the wrong info!


I'll be starting out my trip in a small town right outside of Kiev called Boyarka.  I was there this summer and really liked how relaxed it was.  When I think "small town" I think like 500 people in a remote village in Alaska (my home), but even with as large as Boyarka is (35,968 people as of 2010) it had that small town feel.


The reason you're getting the info in link form is because I figured it wouldn't be my words or my knowledge anyway so you may as well read about it from a good source!

Hoping to give you an actual travel post soon!
Until then: travel mindfully,


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